The Dynamic Introvert:
Leading Quietly With Passion and Purpose

The Dynamic Introvert is Your Guide to Becoming an Extraordinary Leader

Dynamic introverts are succeeding in all walks of life and rewriting what it means to be an introvert in the 21st century. Despite what many of us have come to believe, introverts make great leaders: many CEOs of our most successful companies are in fact introverts.
Have you ever felt invisible at work?
Have you ever been overlooked for a promotion?
Have you ever struggled with your energy?

Lesley Taylor

If you are ready to step up and lead you need this book! You’ll gain access to the latest research and resources to help you achieve your true potential.
The Dynamic Introvert contains an expanded chapter on energy and how dynamic introverts can learn to use their energy to succeed as leaders.

The Dynamic Introvert
celebrates the contributions introverts quietly make to our world. It’s also a resource for introverts as they move along their leadership journey.

Discover how The Dynamic Introvert Can Give Your Leadership a Boost NOW!

“… Canadian leadership coach, Lesley Taylor, shows, in compelling fashion, how introverts can be fabulous leaders, and should not underestimate themselves. Taylor’s book takes a coach approach, encouraging introverts to find their life’s purpose and share their passion…..”
– Lisa Sansom, MAPP
Review in the Nov/Dec 2016 – Volume 18 – Issue 8 – Your Workplace Magazine
The Dynamic Introvert

“How can an author pack so much wisdom and common sense into one book?

Well, Coach Lesley Taylor has done a beautiful job of it and has made a major contribution to advancing the introvert conversation.

She has interwoven clearly explained research with inspiration and practical advice.

You will learn how to maximize your quiet energy, succeed in your career and step into leadership.

I plan on sharing this book with all of my clients.”

Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D., CSP, Author of Quiet Influence and The Introverted Leader

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