Step Up and Lead with Passion and Purpose – Lessons from the Streets of Vancouver
In my last post I focused on confidence and I have to agree with Dr. Roet that our confidence increases the more we challenge ourselves and we succeed. Today I want to share a story about a woman whose organization is all about helping people build confidence by challenging themselves and succeeding each and every day they go to work.
There are many successful introverts who prefer to stay out of the limelight but for most of us challenging ourselves even a little bit can help us learn new things and increase our confidence so we can become outstanding leaders. Here’s an example,
I recently read about the experience of Jessica Hannon, executive director of Megaphone Magazine, and self-described introvert. For those of you not familiar with Megaphone it is part of a world-wide street paper network that is helping homeless and marginalized people to change their lives. In fact, there are currently 9000 vendors in 34 countries around the globe.
In the February, 2018 issue of Megaphone Jessica shared her story with the magazine’s readers:
When I was first hired at Megaphone five years ago, I gave selling magazines on the street a try. Honestly, it was terrifying. I’m an introvert as it is, and there’s a real sense of vulnerability when you’re out there on the street. But then, soon enough, it wasn’t so bad. That experience reminds me how much I admire our vendors, who push through the discomfort to put themselves out there.
And the first time I did it, it was really intimidating, just like the first few times I had to speak in front of a crowd. I used to be very afraid of public speaking, of approaching people in public, and of making requests of people – for fundraising, for instance. I still feel it sometimes, but it has lost most of its power over me just through repetition. It was scary the first time I spoke in front of a room of people, but I did it because I cared about what I was doing very much, and each time I did it after that, it got a little more familiar and a little less scary.
Many years ago I was introduced to Megaphone by Bob, one of the vendors in Vancouver, and ever since then I have been impressed by how the Megaphone organization has grown and developed.
So when I read Jessica’s story in February I wanted to learn more about how this fearless introvert had found the courage to leave her comfort zone and step into a situation that felt strange and uncomfortable.
I think what made it possible for me to step out of my comfort zone in that moment was: My love for Megaphone was greater than my fear of discomfort. Because it is an organization and a cause I care very deeply about, and it was important for me to understand the vendor experience, I gritted my teeth and moved through the discomfort.
Being passionate about what you are doing goes a long way to making it possible for you to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
Here are a few additional ideas to help you succeed:
- Get comfortable with challenging yourself.
- Push yourself a little bit at a time.
- Stop and reflect on what you are learning through your experiences.
- Learn to deal with low levels of anxiety and stress
- Build in some down time to recharge your energy levels.
And please check out what Jessica and her team are doing and find ways to support the work of this amazing organization.