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Through-out most of my career I struggled to speak up and find my voice at work. Not only was…
I love reading mystery books. One of my favorite new authors is G.M. Malliet and it was while reading one…
Step Up and Lead with Passion and Purpose – Lessons from the Streets of Vancouver In my last post…
Are Introverts Less Confident Than Extroverts? When does perception become reality and what has this got to do with introverts…
Can You Change Your Personality? Have you ever wanted to change your personality? Is it even possible to change who…
How Do Introverts Learn to Lead? Are leaders born or can leadership be learned? This is an age old…
Increase the Quiet is the name of Diana Krall’s newest album. Diana is one of my favorite jazz musicians. She…
What does it mean to lead with meaning and purpose? How will knowing your purpose make you a better leader?…
We all have them–strengths I mean. Unfortunately, introverts, especially those of us working in extroverted work environments may not value our…