Dynamic Introverts Lead With A Smile!

Have you remembered to smile today? For the more social of us smiling comes naturally but for many introverts we really do have to make an effort to smile and look happy. According to Linda Allen, member of the Enid Speakers Toastmasters Club in Oklahoma, happy, positive leaders motivate others. The challenge for introverts is that even when we are happy and feeling positive we may forget to smile. Through my Toastmaster’s training I have been encouraged to smile more often especially when speaking to groups. It’s not a huge leap for me but I do have to remind myself from time-to-time.

Smiles are universal and even when we don’t speak the same language a smile goes a long way toward breaking the ice. I love walking on the trails near my home and find that when I smile at people from other cultures they inevitably smile back…and we have an instant connection.

Often when I’m not smiling it is because I am thinking about something or I am distracted but I may come across as being unhappy, uninterested, bored, negative, withdrawn, or unapproachable. I am usually a happy and positive person but if I don’t smile how will people know?

Here are some ideas to help you lead with a smile:

Become self-aware. Remember that great leaders are aware of their behavior and how they impact others.
• Learn to recognize your behavior when you are with other people. Are you smiling?
Be authentic. If you are having a bad day or your team or organization is experiencing some challenges perhaps smiling will send the wrong message.
• Practice smiling. Yes, practice. This is what we learn to do in Toastmasters. We practice until it become second nature…maybe not second nature but at least it comes more naturally.

Most of our communication with other people is nonverbal. As dynamic introverts, being aware of how we come across to others is vital to our success as leaders.

Dynamic Introverts Lead With A Smile
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