Tips for Introverts Struggling with Anxiety

Tips for Introverts Struggling with Anxiety Is anxiety more of a problem for introverts? I’ve always thought so! A lot of people struggle to cope with anxiety and I wondered if this was more of a problem for introverts as we tend to spend a lot of time rehashing our thoughts. Too Much Anxiety Can Be Bad for Our Health Everyone suffers from anxiety at some point but too much anxiety can affect our well-being in a negative way. Even though anxiety is considered a negative state and something to be avoided at all costs, anxiety may have benefits such as motivating us to take action. But too much internal dialogue can set off a downward spiral of negative feelings. And indeed, anxiety and depression are more common among introverts than extroverts. What’s an Introvert to Do? If you want to get a handle on your anxiety, you’ll need to discover what’s causing you to feel anxious. Do you have financial worries that keep you up at night? Maybe you are looking for work and are feeling anxious about having to go through job interviews. Health concerns are another common cause of worry. Perhaps you have to give a talk at work or at school and you hate public speaking. In addition to these common worries, if you are an introvert you may become anxious because you are thinking too much. Researchers have found that when they looked at the brain activity of introverts AND extroverts it was the introverts who had the highest levels of brain activity. Introverts have a preference for solitude for a reason. It seems that carving out some quiet time throughout the day is essential for our mental health. What Can You Do to Reduce Anxiety? Trying to think your way out of a stressful situation will probably only make it worse. Instead you may want to try something different: Learn to meditate. Mindfulness meditation helps us to become aware of our thoughts when they pop into our head. Meditating helps us to to recognize our thoughts and then tell them to go away instead of rehashing them over and over. It’s not easy to meditate on a regular basis but it is a skill that can be learned and the effort will be well worth it. After struggling to meditate on my own I took classes which made all the difference in the world. Take up drumming. For those of you who prefer being active drumming is a fun form of meditation that requires us to focus. I joined a drumming circle last year and quickly learned that if I let my mind wander I couldn’t keep rhythm with the rest of the group. And, of course, just about any kind of exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety. The important thing is that with a bit of effort you can reduce your anxiety levels. Meditation, drumming and physical exercise are just a few of the things that work for me.    

The Power Of Giving

The Power of Giving 1.  There is more to giving than the exchange of gifts! Greetings! For most of us it is traditional to give gifts to family and friends during the holiday season. But how many of us extend our giving to those outside this close circle? Recently I came across the book The Power of Serving Others, by Gary Morsch and Dean Nelson. Gary Morsch is a physician and the founder of the Heart to Heart Organization which provides relief to people around the globe. Dean Nelson is a journalist. Gary and Dean’s message is: You can start where you are! 1.  Everyone has something to give. 2.  Most people are willing to give it if they see the need and the opportunity. 3.  Everyone can do something for someone right now. There are MANY benefits for those of us who serve others. For instance, giving to others, in whatever way we can, gives our lives meaning.    Scientists have been busy studying the effects of giving on human health & behavior. In fact scientists are now discovering that “serving others is part of our genetic code”.  In March an article in Science reported that “people who spend more of their income on others are happier than people who spend more on themselves”. There are numerous ways you can give to others: volunteering and donating to charity are two of the most common, but there are other opportunities to make a difference. Kiva is a microfinance organization that is making it possible for us to transform the lives of people by giving them “micro loans”. In fact you can support someone by lending them as little as $25.00. This is possible because Kiva helps us to connect with others who are also interested in “micro lending”. Kiva’s mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty. This organization makes it possible for us to lend small amounts of money to entrepreneurs around the world. You won’t get a financial return on your money but your original investment will be returned and you will have made a huge difference in someone’s life. There is very little risk involved as the majority of loan recipients repay their loans. You can find out more by checking out Kiva’s website below. Finally, if you still need a reason to do something for others this holiday season, another research study has found, “that people who focused on themselves were more likely to have coronary heart disease, than people who focused on others.” Remember, you can do something right now!  As you make plans to celebrate the upcoming holiday season think about one small thing you can do to help someone else. Gumboot Rules These wonderful rules for life come from the Gumboot Garden Café in Roberts Creek B.C.: ·       The best things in life aren’t things ·       Never judge a day by the weather ·       Tell the truth—there’s less to remember ·       Speak softly and wear a loud shirt ·       Goals are deceptive—the unaimed arrow never misses ·       Age is relative—when you are over the hill you pick up speed ·       There are two ways to be rich, make more or desire less ·       Beauty is internal—looks mean nothing…and for those of us living on the wet, west coast…NO RAIN…NO RAINBOWS This month’s favorite websites: This organization provides micro loans to people around the world who live in poverty. These people are entrepreneurs who need small loans to become self-reliant. I have been supporting KIVA for years. If you are travelling on the Sunshine Coast you really must stop in Roberts Creek and experience The Gumboot Café! This post was originally written for my coaching website and appeared as e-Newsletter #9, November/December, 2008 Lesley at

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