Can You Change Your Personality?

Can You Change Your Personality? Have you ever wanted to change your personality? Is it even possible to change who you are? New research indicates that our personalities do in fact, change over time. When I was younger, much younger, I was quiet and I lacked confidence. Once I got to college I realized that I wanted to be more confident and more like the students who were outgoing and who could speak up in class and get their ideas across. Those more extroverted students also seemed to be having more fun. As soon as I graduated and began working I made the conscious decision to change my personality although at the time I didn’t realize that this is what I had set out to do. I hadn’t heard of Myers Briggs and had no idea that I was an introvert not that this would have made much of a difference since in those days it was believed that personality was fixed and there was nothing we could do to change it. Now we know differently. Recently I picked up the January issue of Psychologies magazine. An article about personality by author and psychologist Meg Arroll caught my eye. In the article Arroll commented on a study recently published by scientists at the University of Edinburgh. The study, which is the longest ever to look at how our personalities change over time, started in 1947 when the participants were 14 years of age. In 2012, 63 years after the study began, U of E researchers contacted the original participants to do a follow-up and although only a small number of the original group agreed to be retested the findings suggest that we do become different people as we age. This is good news in that our personalities are not set in stone and can change over time. We may be predisposed to certain personality traits but we can make adjustments if these traits don’t work for us. Here’s an example. My friend Jim is extroverted. He talks a lot and dominates most conversations. Not only does he dominate he doesn’t appear to have any insight into how his behavior is impacting other people. This aspect of extroversion may or may not impede his career success but if it does he may want to consider changing his behavior so that he is more introverted at least some of the time. Being a good listener is considered more of an introverted trait and something that Jim might want to focus on doing more of. It will no doubt be difficult but it in the end it will improve his relationships and probably improve his job prospects as well. The not so good news is that changing our personalities takes time and concerted effort. When I decided that I wanted to become more confident in groups it took me a long, long time and 30 years later I still prefer to sit and listen to what others have to say. One way that I learned to boost my confidence was to actually teach classes or facilitate meetings. This allowed me to prepare and feel more in control of what was happening. Oh, and joining Toastmasters made a big difference. Toastmasters helped me to think on my feet something that many of us find challenging to do. Do you think we can change our personalities? What is your experience? Over the years I’ve read comments by introverts who resent feeling pressured to become more extroverted. But whether we are introverted or extroverted there may be times when we may want to change some aspect of who we are and now we know we can.

Make 2015 The Year of The Dynamic Introvert

Make 2015 Your Year – The Year of the Dynamic Introvert Whether you are ready or not 2014 is rapidly coming to a close and it’s time to prepare for the New Year. Not everyone makes New Year’s resolutions but even if that is not your thing you can still benefit from these four recommendations: 1.Know thyself. This wise saying is most often credited to the Greek philosopher Socrates. It applies as much today as it did back in ancient times. People often make wrong assumptions about introverts because they have little or no information to base their judgements on. You may also be acting or reacting to this lack of understanding about what it means to be an introvert. The best advice I can give you is to know thyself.  You can create a SWOT Analysis to determine your strengths and areas for improvement. The SWOT tool was originally developed for the business leader who wanted to understand his or her company compared to its competitors. Today the SWOT is also used as a personal planning tool. SWOT stand for: S personal strengths that you can build on W personal weaknesses or areas for improvement O opportunities present in your workplace or industry T threats which include changes that might impact your career 2. Honor Who You Are. Knowing who you are and acting with integrity are the hallmarks of authenticity. As you become more aware of what it means to be an introvert and by tapping into your strengths you will become more confident and able to take some risks. This may include identifying and challenging some of the barriers that are getting in the way of your success. For too long now many of us have been made to feel inferior because we are not more extroverted. As introverts, it is not always easy to accept who we are when the world tells us that we should be more social, outspoken, energetic, exciting and forceful. By learning more about what it means to be a dynamic introvert we can build on our strengths and be confident about what we have to offer the world. 3. Develop Your Personality. You can be authentic and honor who you are and at the same time develop your personality. Sounds like a contradiction doesn’t it? Some say we are born with certain personality traits and these traits stay pretty much the same throughout our lives. But author and university professor Patricia Cranton argues in her book, Personal Empowerment through Type, that “we can consciously develop our personalities.” She goes on to say that “although we generally have a preference for introversion or extraversion we are likely able to function in both.” 4.Create Your Legacy. The start of a New Year is a great time to consider the legacy that you want to leave. Most of us do not think about our legacies when we are young and I had not thought about mine until I started teaching leadership classes. We all leave a legacy whether or not we are aware of it. One of the benefits of thinking about your legacy at an early age is that it can help guide you as you move forward in your life. Here are six questions to get you thinking about the legacy that you want to leave: – What difference do I want to make? – What will be my greatest contributions? – What do I want to create for myself and for those I care about? – How would I like to change the world for the better? – How do I want to be remembered? Whether you are ready or not 2014 is rapidly coming to a close. Even if you don’t like New Year’s resolutions I encourage you to challenge yourself to try something different this year…something that will take you out of your comfort zone and into the realm of new possibilities.   Happy New Year! The Dynamic Introvert Team

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