Are Introverts Less Confident Than Extroverts?

Are Introverts Less Confident Than Extroverts?  When does perception become reality and what has this got to do with introverts and extroverts? I believe that the general perception of introverts is that they aren’t as confident as extroverts and this unfortunately gets in the way of their success in life. Introverts are often slow to respond when asked a question. It takes them a while to speak up in classrooms or team meetings and they often seem uncomfortable at parties. Because of this perceived lack of confidence introverts may miss out on important job opportunities. And when compared to extroverts, introverts often appear less self-assured causing human resources leaders to ask themselves, “Why are they hesitating?” or “Do they really know what they are talking about?” Being confident can open doors and make life more interesting and fun. But what is confidence? Google defines it as “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something” Or, “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities”. We know it when we see it, or at least we think we do. Some quiet introverts may be very confident but are comfortable spending time thinking before they answer questions. And some extroverts may use their extroversion as a way of hiding the fact that they are less confident. Nothing is what it appears! And of course all personality types can lack confidence. It’s just sometimes I think that when it comes to introverts our behavior is seen in a negative light. Over the years I have also wondered whether or not my lack of confidence was due to the fact that I spent too much time thinking about things and not enough time taking action. Taking action leads to increased self-assurance. Too much time thinking (worrying?) has the opposite effect and doesn’t go unnoticed. “I’m an extrovert and those I live with are introverts. I’ve come to learn that they have a different sort of confidence to my own, one that comes from inner strength that can be developed no matter how difficult it may seem at first.” Rebecca Perkins How can we become more confident? There are no easy answers but the following suggestions from Rebecca Perkins and Brian Roet are a good place to start: Develop your self-awareness. This is perhaps the most important and the most challenging. But fulfilling our potential and being successful really does start with a solid foundation. Knowing who you are, your strengths and what you want to achieve in life are some of the areas to explore and develop. There are endless ways of doing this and a number are covered in my book The Dynamic Introvert: Leading quietly with passion and purpose. Quit judging yourself: This is a difficult one. Is there anyone out there who doesn’t judge themselves? On the positive side judging oneself can lead to self-awareness but not if we only see the things we don’t do well or compare ourselves with others and end up feeling inadequate. If we were lucky to grow up in a family that accepted us and encouraged us even when we made mistakes, we are more likely to feel good about ourselves and less likely to judge ourselves harshly. Use your strengths: We all have different strengths. The trick is discovering the ones that are uniquely yours and then building on them. This relates to the first item on this list, “Develop your self-awareness”. Some people are fortunate to know what their strengths are early on in life for others this knowledge comes later. Sometimes we are steered in the wrong direction by well-meaning parents or teachers and end up working in jobs that aren’t the right “fit”. I once met a woman whose husband kept pushing their introverted son to join team sports, against the son’s wishes. She was concerned about her son’s wellbeing and was looking for information to give to her husband to help him understand their son’s introverted nature. Challenge yourself: Our confidence increases the more positive experiences we experience. If you are quiet and don’t feel confident in groups you may need to learn how to speak up in order to be heard. But be gentle with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You are in this for the long term and your confidence will increase with each successful experience. I’ll leave you with this quote from Dr. Brian Roet, “Confidence helps you achieve your potential; achieving your potential helps your confidence.” – From The Confidence to Be Yourself.      

Self-Leadership and Personal Mastery by Lesley Tayor

Self-Leadership and Personal Mastery Peter Senge popularized the concept of “personal mastery” in his classic book The Fifth Discipline. A huge part of personal mastery is the ability to know and develop aspects of one’s personality. It is human nature to want to understand what makes us “tick”: What are we good at? Where are our weaknesses or our areas for growth? What do other people think about us? What does our personality say about us? Self-assessment is a skill that can be learned and doing this work (and sometimes it does feel like work) is a life-long journey in which we take responsibility for our own development. There are many tools and resources that we can use to help us as we seek to learn more about ourselves. The MBTI or Myers Briggs Type Indicator is one such tool. As many of you know the MBTI is used by millions of people around the world and is popular with human resources professionals. A few weeks ago I completed the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator certification, something I’d considered doing over the years but never had the opportunity to do until recently. In taking the MBTI training I was surprised to learn that Myers Briggs is more than just the 16 – 4 letter type combinations, e g INTJ or ESFP. And going into the training I have to admit I was rather sceptical. Apart from learning about my own personality type, I was surprised to discover that the MBTI is not a personality test at all and should not be used to predict job fit or leadership potential. The instructor dealt with some of my scepticism by explaining the important difference between personality type and personality traits. She also explained that the MBTI, if used properly, can help us gain insights into the following: Where and how we focus our attention which is related to where we get our energy from How we prefer to take in information How we prefer to make decisions based on that information How we prefer to deal with the external world Knowing and acting on this knowledge can help us to become better leaders. It’s important to recognize that personality traits are different from personality type. Psychologists study and measure what are referred to as the big five personality traits (OCEAN): Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion/Introversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Personality psychologists are able to measure our personality traits and determine how much of a particular trait each of us has and how we compare with other people on these measures. If you are planning to hire someone for a job that requires a large measure of agreeableness, for example, a personality test may help you to determine which of your candidates is the best “fit”. The Myers Briggs Indicator does not measure personality and so cannot assist you in this aspect of your hiring process. I will share some of what I learned about the MBTI in future posts. There are many different personality tests all with their own strengths, weakness and limitations. It’s also important to note that our personalities are partly determined by genetics and partly determined by the environment that we grew up in. We can also influence our personalities by consciously developing our skills and choosing to adapt our behaviors. Despite helping us to better understand ourselves and others, it is important to remember that personality tests are not the answer to everything and should be used accordingly. Cheers! The Dynamic Introvert    

Are You A Type A Introvert?

Are you a Type A Introvert? Successful leaders are often thought to have Type A personalities. People with Type A personalities are described as being competitive and work obsessed…these people tend to be impatient and talk quickly…which sounds a bit like extroverted behavior. Type B personalities on the other hand are more relaxed, flexible, and laid back Of course, being a Type A personality is not the sole purview of extroverts. In fact, introverts can be just as competitive and work obsessed. We have no problem putting in long hours especially when we are working on something that we are passionate about. Just because we are introverts doesn’t mean we don’t want to get the highest grade in the class or be recognized for being top salesperson of the month. And because we are introverts we have one major advantage over extroverts: we can keep quiet about our how our work is progressing so as not to show our hand. Unlike extroverts who become energized by talking; we have no need to talk about the work we are doing, while we are doing it. However, we are similar to extroverts in that we can easily become impatient when we feel pressured to get something done. This impatience can manifest itself in the form of blurting. We will sit quietly watching the conversation go back and forth, thinking about what we want to say, and then if we are not given the chance to participate we BLURT out what we thinking. Over the years I’ve found myself blurting out my thoughts and ideas while conversing with others. When I finally became aware of what I was doing I tried to stop myself from doing this not realizing that this was due in part to my introversion. Recently I mentioned this to a friend. After giving my concern some consideration she agreed with me that as an introvert she too was “guilty” of blurting. Which leads me to my next question? What exactly is blurting? Just for fun I decided to check in with Google. According to the dictionary blurting means saying something suddenly and without careful consideration. Whoever wrote this definition does not know much about introverts. Introverts tend to blurt, but we do it after carefully considering what we want to say. In fact, we may have been thinking about what we want to say for some time and become frustrated by not having the opportunity to participate in the conversation. Am I a Type A introvert? You be the judge. For most of my adult life I worked full time at a demanding job, juggled my family, friends, and personal life (what personal life?) and attended graduate school…not once but twice. In those days I had a very short fuse and quickly became impatient when I was short on time, which was most days. These days I tend to be more laid back and relaxed, partly because I became aware of my Type A behavior and have worked hard to change it and partly because my life is not so hectic. Here is some additional information about Introversion that you may find interesting: Introversion: Signs, Types, & Misconceptions Anxiety Disorders: Types, Treatments, Symptoms & More

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